

Vivencial Fishing, Touring & Lodging in the Galápagos Islands

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Dive & Snorkel

So Many Options...

Sea Lions

Galápagos offers many great opportunities for diving and snorkelling - You can:

For more details of the snorkel and dive opportunities in San Cristóbal, visit Dive & Snorkel on GaleodanSuites.com (opens in new window) .

Snorkel Locally

Darwin Bay
Darwin Bay, San Cristóbal

Wherever you stay, you will find snorkelling opportunities just a walk or taxi ride away. The most popular are.

In San Cristóbal

In Santa Cruz

In Isabela

Day-Tour Snorkelling & Diving

Dive Tours Map

Daily Tour and Vivencial Fishing boats include snorkelling, and in some cases diving, in their itineraries to visit sites in the Marine Reserve.

The same boat may carry a mix of divers and snorkellers. The sites are listed in our Sightseeing page. (opens in a new window)

The sites more favoured for diving are indicated on the map opposite.

The Santa Cruz boats leave from Puerto Ayora or the Itabaca Channel at Baltra.

Liveaboard Dive Cruises

Dive Cruise

The liveaboard dive cruises can reach places no-one else can - Especially the far north islands of Darwin and Wolf which are 200km north of Puerto Ayora and offer some of the best diving on the planet.

Kicker Rock, known locally as Leon Dormido, is one of the best sites in Galápagos and for that reason most liveaboard dive boats used to be based here. But to limit traffic it is now off-limits to big boats and is the exclusive domain of the Daily Tour and Vivencial Fishing boats operating out of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno in San Cristóbal.

Now the dive boats are split between Santa Cruz and San Cristóbal and concentrate on the central and northern sites.

So if you don’t want to miss out, we suggest you stay a couple of days with us and take in Kicker Rock before or after your cruise.

Courtesy Aggressor Fleet
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